
Speed Friending Success~Find your tribe and love them hard!

Sponsored by Hood Milk

October 22, 2019

Thanks to Hood Milk and our Sister Company Stroller Traffic we were recently able to get 10 incredible moms together for our Speed Friending Event for Moms at Benson's Bakery & Cafe in Hudson. 

Being a mom can be isolating, exhausting, difficult, and truly wonderful all at the same time.  As a mom of two boys the number 1 thing that brings me strength every day is knowing I am not alone in the trenches.  

 We read a series of thought provoking questions to get these new moms talking, thinking, laughing, and most importantly getting to know one another.  As I saw info being exchanged at the end of the evening, I felt certain we all left feeling a little more understood and supported and grew our mama tribes.  

6 Facts About Hood Milk That Will Make Transitioning From Formula or Breast to Milk Easier

  • Hood Milk is produced without artificial growth hormones, tested for antibiotics, and packed in the LightBlock Bottle. The LightBlock bottle protects milk from light getting through which helps prevent off-flavors and vitamin depletion. 

  • Hood Milk provides the nutrition children need with 8g of protein and 9 essential nutrients per serving.

  • When it comes to transitioning little ones from breast or bottle to milk from a cup, Hood shares some advice with us. Use full-fat dairy milk to make the switch from breast milk or infant formula. Young children grow quickly and they require the calories, fat, and cholesterol in whole milk for proper development of their bodies and brains

  • At age one year, most children no longer need to drink infant formula. (Check with your child’s pediatrician on the right time for your child to transition to milk from a cup.) Get your little one accustomed to drinking plain cow’s milk by mixing it with their usual formula. Start by swapping in ¼ of the amount and work your way up to 100%. Transitions can be tricky.

  • Make the transition from infancy to toddler-hood with dairy milk. It has more calories and protein than most plant milks, and it’s a reliable source of calcium and vitamin D that children require for bone growth.

  • After his first birthday, your child can have about 16 to 24 ounces of whole cow's milk every day. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children stay on whole milk until they are two years old unless there’s some reason to switch to a lower-fat milk sooner. Hood Milk can be a wonderful treat for your little one, whether plain or used in a recipe. 

Hood Milk has an uncompromising commitment to providing every child with the highest quality milk that is better than good.  

Looking for a delicious way to get much need veggies and protein into your little ones?  Try this Blueberry Spinach Smoothie Recipe by Hood Milk!

Blueberry Spinach Recipe: 

  • 1 Cup of Baby Spinach 

  • 1 Cup of Vanilla Fat Free Greek Yogurt

  • 1 1/2 Cups of Frozen Blueberries 

  • 1/2 Cup of 1% Lowfat Hood Milk 


  • Place ingredients in a household blender 

  • This recipe will make 3-4 smoothie servings adjust according to your crew! 

Find Hood Milk in your local dairy isle or visit