November 10th is the United Nations (UN) International Science Center and Science Museum Day, calling attention to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals at science museums around the world. The 17 goals established By the UN in 2015 include ending poverty and hunger.
The SEE Science Center will be assisting local efforts by collecting food for New Horizons in Manchester this November.
- SEE visitors are invited to drop off a canned or boxed non-perishable food item and Receive $1 off admission per person per donated item from November 1 to December 1 (discount valid same day as donation only and cannot be combined with other offers).
SEE will be offering sustainability themed activities on International Science Center and Science Museum Day November 10th (ISCSMD) and on additional days in November.
Visit SEE on November weekends of the 9th &10th and 23rd & 24th
- Explore water use, conservation and to consider the future of our neighborhoods through hands-on activities.
- Visitors will have the opportunity to explore recycling and make their own artwork from recycled materials. From 1-2 pm on the above dates
- All ISCSMD activities show how science and technology can serve the greater good for the planet and its people.
- There is no cost beyond regular admission for these activities; all materials will be supplied.
Additional Upcoming Events at SEE